This includes a three-day nutritional analysis of your normal meal intake, looking in depth at your macronutrient, vitamin and mineral content of your foods and providing suggestions on areas you could improve upon. This is not a meal plan, but instead is geared to empower you to feel more confident when making your meals and eating out. We will also offer supplement and/or nutritional recommendations based on your lifestyle and any deficits in your dietary choices.
You can choose to have just the report or select the option to review it during a one-time 45-minute virtual meeting with one of our coaches to discuss where you can optimize your diet and ensure you don’t have nutrient gaps or deficiencies.
Nutritional Analysis Report
- Detailed intake forms + three day food log review
- Educational videos + resource guides
- Optional 45-Minute review meeting to discuss your report + ask any questions
- Report Only: $199
- Report + Review: $299