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MRT 170 Food sensitivity test

Every food doesn't fit every body!  Find freedom in your food choices while amplifying your healing potential.


MRT is a functional measurement of diet-induced sensitivity pathways.  MRT simplifies a highly complex reaction and translates that into the most useable clinical information you can get-- quantifying the inflammatory response to foods and food-chemicals. 

Not only does MRT give insight into inflammation provoking foods and food-chemicals, but more importantly MRT identifies your patient's BEST foods-- the foods that form the basis of their LEAP Eating Plan. 

Simply put, MRT gives you information you can't get any other way, and that information directly translates into targeted therapy that matters. 

MRT is the foundation of fully addressing food sensitivities and achieving the maximum outcomes in the shortest period of time.  This is our goal!  It is the most accurate and most comprehensive test available for determining food sensitivities (sensitivity of 94.5% and specificity of 91.7%).


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is the quickest and most affordable way to determine if you have heavy metal toxicity and/or mineral deficiencies. It tests 35 elements within the hair and reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. 

In the words of the late author and researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are "...more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses."  For some people no matter what they try with diet and exercise, if they have heavy metals present they will NOT feel their best. This test will tell you not only what heavy metals are present in your body, but also what minerals you do or do not need to supplement. Rather than randomly supplement, it’s much better to supplement only what your body uniquely needs in the season that you’re in.

HTMA is for those struggling with:

  • Energy problems (fatigue)

  • Brain problems (brain fog, low mood, poor memory)

  • Weight problems (stubborn fat, cellulite)

  • Digestive problems (gas, bloating, yeast, parasites)

  • Immune system problems (allergies, sinus, autoimmunity)

  • Pain problems (chronic inflammation, stiff joints)

**every coaching package includes a FREE Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test**

labs available to coaching clients


Gut zoomer stool test analysis

  • The most accurate microbiome test available to assess your gastrointestinal tract and digestive capabilities, along with any pathogens (parasites, bacteria, fungi). This test includes markers for:

    • Intestinal permeability + disorders, SIBO-related bacteria, vitamin production

    • 67 pathogenic bacteria

    • 24 Intestinal parasites

    • 8 viruses

    • 5 Fungal or yeast species

    • 5 worm species

    • 6 antibiotic resistance genes measured

    • Digestive Status Markers:    

      • Calprotectin, Pancreatic elastase 1, Bile acids, various SCFAs, SS-glucuronidase

  • With these insights, you can then use the actionable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations as a road map for improving your unique gut microbiome.


Dutch complete hormone panel

  • Provides the most advanced hormone testing for both men and women, including sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites.  Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included, along with melatonin (6-OHMS), 8-OHdG, and six organic acids.  This unique combination of clinical information is not available by any other method.

  • Analysis of 35 different hormones: 

    • estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, and cortisol along with their metabolites

    • Daily free cortisol patterns to provide insight into adrenal insufficiency or symptoms of chronic stress

    • DUTCH OATs: Oxidative stress marker-- 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), melatonin (6-OHMS), and six organic acid tests (OATs) including markers for vitamin B12 (methylmalonate), vitamin B6 (xanthurenate), kynurenate, glutathione (pyroglutamate), dopamine (homovanillate), norepinephrine/epinephrine (vanilmandelate).


complete thyroid analysis

  • The thyroid gland is the regulator of your metabolism, body temperature, heart and can directly impact your mood, energy, immune system, sex hormones, weight and digestion. Traditional blood tests scan for TSH levels, confirming whether you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) or overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). If your blood test results don’t show either result, you’re likely not uncovering the full problem. This evaluation of thyroid functionality is an incomplete picture and warrants further investigation to identify true thyroid imbalance.

  • The following markers are included in this complete thyroid panel:

    • TSH

    • Free T3+ Total T3

    • Free T4 + Total T4

    • Reverse T3

    • Thyroglobulin Ab Antibodies

    • TPO Antibodies


comprehensive wellness panel

  • Most doctors will run standard blood work during physicals, but many don’t look at optimal ranges or how certain markers relate to others. We are trained to look at blood chemistry from a functional approach and also dig a little deeper than most practitioners may go. Bloodwork can also lead us in different directions when it comes to further testing and uncovering what could be going on internally.

  • The Comprehensive Wellness Panel includes over 40 blood test markers, including: 

  • Hemoglobin A1c, uric acid, phosphorus, magnesium, LDH, GGT, Iron, TIBC, ferritin, CRP hs, homocysteine, thyroid markers: free t3, reverse t3, free t4, TPO + thyroglobulin, vitamin d, fibrinogen, CMP, CBC, lipid panel, HNK1- (lyme disease), urinalysis complete


Organic acid testing (OAT)

  • Provides insight into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Organic acids are metabolic intermediates that are produced in pathways of central energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, or intestinal microbial activity. Marked accumulation of specific organic acids detected in urine often signals a metabolic inhibition or block. 

  • The metabolic block may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up or drug effect. Several of the biomarkers are markers of intestinal bacterial or yeast overgrowth. 

  • Can add on GP-TOX Non-Metal Chemical test for $200

  • A toxic, non-metal chemical profile that screens for the presence of 173 different toxic chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethroid insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, and more. This profile also includes Tiglylglycine (TG), a marker for mitochondrial disorders resulting from mutations of mitochondrial DNA.

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Micronutrient test

  • Micronutrients, as opposed to macronutrients, are vitamins and minerals which are required in small quantities to ensure normal metabolism, growth and physical well‐being. No single food contains all of the vitamins and minerals we need and, therefore, a balanced and varied diet is necessary for an adequate intake of all micronutrients.

  • Every physiological function in your body requires micronutrients to function optimally. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants play a key role in:

    • Producing and releasing energy

    • Strengthening the immune system

    • Reducing systemic inflammation

    • Protecting against free radical damage

    • Protecting against the development, progression, and recurrence of cancer.

    • Maintaining insulin sensitivity

    • Slowing down cellular aging

    • Promoting the health of all tissues: skin, bone, brain, breast, gut, prostate, heart, etc.

    • Maintaining a healthy hormonal balance (i.e. thyroid, sex hormones, adrenal hormones, neurotransmitters/brain hormones, etc.)

  • Vibrant’s Micronutrient test is the only test that provides a comprehensive extracellular and intracellular assessment of the levels of the most important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, and amino acids.  Knowing both your extracellular and intracellular micronutrient levels are key to a thorough understanding of your nutritional requirements at a foundational level, which may contribute to your risk for disease, while simultaneously and positively impacting your overall health and well-being.

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